Lyrics: BMC Melody Choir - Ama Mi

BMC Melody Choir - Ama Mi Lyrics!

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Lyrics: BMC Melody Choir - Ama Mi

Ama Mi

SeSe Utibe Ima

(Behold this wonderful Love)

Uko ke ekong

Afo kedi

(Brave warrior in battle

That is who you are)

Baba owo ibietke fi

(No one else

Can compare with You)

Ke Odudu ye Ubong ooo

(In Power and Glory)

There is no name as your

Name o Lord our God

SeSe Utibe Ima

(Behold this wonderful Love)

Lyrics: BMC Melody Choir - Ama Mi

BMC Melody Choir - Ama Mi Lyrics!

Uko ke ekong

Afo kedi

(Brave warrior in battle

That is who you are)

Baba owo ibietke fi

(No one else

Can compare with You)

Ke Odudu ye Ubong ooo

(In Power and Glory)

There is no name as your

Name o Lord our God

Ama ama mi

(My love My love)

Andikara Ofri Ekondo o o

(The Ruler over all the universe)

Akwa Abasi Ibom o

(Great and Mighty God)

Ubong Enyene Fi ke nsi nsi o

(Glory be to You forever and ever)

Ama Ama mi

(My love My love)

Andikara Ofri Ekondo

(The Ruler over all the universe)

Akwa Abasi Ibom o o(Great and Mighty God)Ubong Enyene Fi ke nsi nsi o(Glory be to You forever and ever)Se fo ta tangKe afo anamade(What you say is what you do)Se fo biere ado afo anam o o o(What you decree is what you do)
Baba owo ibietke fi(No one elseCan compare with You)Ke Odudu ye Ubong ooo(In Power and Glory)There is no name as yourName o Lord our GodIhe ikwuru bu ihe ineme(What you say is what you do )
Ihe ikara bu ihe ineme(What you have purposedIs what you will do)Afodo andibot enyong ye isong(You are the creatorOf heaven and earth)Afodo andibot mmong ye ikang(You are the creator of water and fire)Ama Ama mi(My love My love)Andikara Ofri Ekondo(The Ruler over all the universe)Akwa Abasi Ibom o o(Great and Mighty God)Ubong Enyene Fi ke nsi nsi o(Glory be to You forever and ever)Ama Ama mi(My love My love)Andikara Ofri Ekondo(The Ruler over all the universe)Akwa Abasi Ibom o o(Great and Mighty God)Ubong Enyene Fi ke nsi nsi o(Glory be to You forever and ever)
Sia afo mu tieghe nteowo etiedeEte sosongo(Because you are not like manLord Thank you)(Heh!)Sia afo mu namde nte mmeAsua akerede bo Ekom do(Akpaniko)(Because you have not doneAs the enemies were thinkingReceive Thanks)(True!)

Lyrics: BMC Melody Choir - Ama Mi

BMC Melody Choir - Ama Mi Lyrics!

You have never never failedMy dependable God(Thank you Jesus)You are so goodThat is what I've come to tell the worldI've never seen this kind of Love before(Never!)Ama mi o(My Love)
Afodo do Ete Iberedem mmi o(You are my Father and my Support)Kini ekong osong de o(When the battle is fiercest)Afo do Otuekong mmi o(You are the Lord of the war)Uyaya Uyaya Abasi(Oh!)(Beautiful God)(Oh!)Bo Ekom do(Receive my Thanks)(Thank you Lord)
Ama Ama mi(My love My love)Andikara Ofri Ekondo(The Ruler over all the universe)Akwa Abasi Ibom o o(Great and Mighty God)Ubong Enyene Fi ke nsi nsi o(Glory be to You forever and ever)Ama Ama mi(My love My love)Andikara Ofri Ekondo(The Ruler over all the universe)Akwa Abasi Ibom o o(Great and Mighty God)Ubong Enyene Fi ke nsi nsi o(Glory be to You forever and ever)...

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